Safety Consulting services offered by Safetysure
Safetysure provides a range of work safety audit and inspection services to businesses. Our occupational health and safety services include hazard identification audits, range of workplace safety audits (across a range of standards), due diligence audits, independent board reviews. Our service are conducted both nationally and internationally.
At Safetysure we have a range of purpose built workplace health and safety procedures, policies and risk assessments available for industry. We customise safety policies and procedures to meet specific industry requirements, Regulatory Frameworks, Australian and International Standards and specific site requirements.
If you’re an importer or supplier of goods, we can complete product safety assessments and establish testing and regulatory regimes for your products. We liaise with testing agencies in Australia and internationally to manage compliance testing of products. We also provide product safety risk reports which details considerations for suppliers prior to market.
Safetysure provides professional accident investigation services to Government, Industry and Law Firms. We provide expert services in accident and incident investigation and forensic examination of work health and safety systems.
Do you need to align your supervisors and leaders with your current safety objectives? Our Principal Consultant has significant experience in coaching and working with organisational leaders to improve safety performance. We are hands on practical coaches who aim to establish pathways for safety learning and development with individuals and organisations.
We work with large and small organisations to develop strategic plans regarding improvement of workplace health and safety. By identifying organisational needs, we work independently to establish safety plans and goals for organisations. Our practical pragmatic approach to safety planning helps organisations focus on the real issues.
We have extensive experience in developing safety training programs for industry. We have experience in development and delivery of inductions, confined spaces, asbestos management. We also provide online tailored safety induction packages suitable for a range of businesses. Our online programs allow staff to complete at their own pace.
Safetysure provides psychosocial risk assessment and risk identification services to a broad range of corporate and Government clients. We use recognised methodologies to map psychosocial risks and provide strategies for the mitigation of your organisation’s psychosocial risks.
If you have specific concerns regarding the safety of your building, give us a call. We have completed reviews of building safety issues including compliance with BCA requirements for workplace health and safety, compliance against Australian standards and a range of other building issues including Sick Building Syndrome and Asbestos Management.
With more than thirty years of experience, our team are well equipped to provide incident and accident investigation. We mobilise quickly and can work with organisations and authorities to manage investigative processes. Safetysure provides comprehensive incident investigation reports for management based on objective factual data. Read more
Our experience in occupational hygiene practice (monitoring and evaluating atmospheric contaminants such as dusts (including silica/RCS) , chemicals, asbestos, and other workplace pollutants, noise) against known Australian and international standards will help your organisation quantify issues for consideration. We have successfully established occupational hygiene programs in a range of diverse organisations.
We provide outsourced rehabilitation and return to work services for clients. We take away the burden of managing rehabilitation by providing professional support accredited by Worksafe. Our specialist return to work consultants have facilitated rehabilitation and return to work for injured employees Read more here
We provide leading workplace health and safety consulting services to Australian and international businesses