Safework Australia | Insights from 2023 Data

Work Health and Safety in Australia: A Closer Look at the 2023 Statistics

Australia’s workplaces have seen a significant number of traumatic injuries over the past decade, leading to both fatalities and extended absences. A staggering 1,850 traumatic injury fatalities and 1,140,000 serious workers’ compensation claims indicate a profound impact on the nation’s workforce. This translates to approximately one in every twelve workers experiencing significant work-related injuries or illnesses over a ten year period.

At Safetysure we believe every individual, regardless of occupation or industry, deserves a safe working environment. When these work-related incidents happen, it is not just the affected workers who feel the ramifications but also their families, businesses and the broader community.

Safework Australia stated recently that  “In 2022, there were 195 worker fatalities due to traumatic injuries sustained in the course of a work‑related activity. Overall, the number and rate of fatalities has been trending downward since 2007, however it has been relatively static over the recent years. 

  • Over the past 5 years (2018 to 2022), the average fatality rate was 1.4 fatalities per 100,000 workers and an average of 180 workers died per year.  
  • There has been an increase in the number and rate of fatalities since the previous year (13% increase from 172 fatalities in 2021; 8% increase from 1.3 fatalities per 100,000 workers in 2021).
  • The lowest recorded fatality rate of 1.1 fatalities per 100,000 workers was recorded in 2018. “

Research titled “Safer, healthier, wealthier” from Safe Work Australia paints a vivid picture of the economic implications of these workplace incidents. It reveals that, in a scenario without work-related injuries and illnesses, Australia’s economy would be bolstered by $28.6 billion annually. Additionally, the job market would witness the creation of 185,500 full-time equivalent positions, and an average wage rise of 1.3% would be seen across all occupations and skill levels.

You might like to read our Article on Work Related Fatalities 2019

Digging deeper into the “Key Work Health and Safety Statistics 2023“, several key trends emerge:

  1. Predominant Causes of Injuries: The primary culprits for work-related injuries in Australia remain body stressing, falls, slips, trips, and injuries resulting from being hit by moving objects.
  2. Major Causes of Fatalities: Vehicle incidents stand out as a leading cause of work-related fatalities, closely followed by incidents involving moving objects.
  3. Rising Mental Health Concerns: Alarmingly, there has been a surge in work-related mental health conditions. Not only are these conditions on the rise, but the resultant time off work for affected workers is significantly longer – over four times the duration compared to other injuries.

Safework Australia’s data set is available here

In conclusion, while strides have been made in improving workplace safety in Australia, there’s a pressing need for continued efforts. The physical, emotional, and economic toll of workplace incidents demands robust strategies and interventions to foster safer working environments.

Read our content on how to minimise workers compensation claims at your business.

If you need help on evaluating your compliance goals, call us on 1300 087 888 and speak with a professional safety consultant who can advise on the best strategies for mitigating your risks.

Image: Courtesy of Safework Australia 

By |2023-11-01T08:07:47+09:00November 1st, 2023|News|0 Comments

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