Modern Slavery2021-07-28T18:10:47+09:00


This statement is for Safetysure (Fractality Pty Ltd) and our Trust (the Ninness Family Trust).

All contracts undertaken by the company are entered into by Fractality Pty Ltd ATF NINNESS FAMILY TRUST.

Our supply chains are all based within Australia and its jurisdictions. From time to time we may source a wide range of goods and services necessary for our operations and use subcontract arrangements with other businesses.


Safetysure understands that every entity has modern slavery risks within its operations and supply chains. We operate solely within Australian jurisdictions and are subject to rigorous enforcement of health & safety, Human Resources and other regulatory requirements.

Notwithstanding that we will continually monitor risks and seek to control these within our business operations.


Safetysure has adopted a continuous improvement approach to tackling modern slavery within our operations and supply chains. We endeavour to build upon the steps taken to date into the future.

The human rights of our employees is a serious issue for us and we take concerted steps to ensure we are not contributing to modern slavery within our own operations.

Our Code of Conduct sets out our minimum expectations for ethical and lawful behaviour, as well as reporting avenues. These apply to Safetysure’s own people, our subcontractors and suppliers. We contractually require all of our suppliers and subcontractors to comply with all applicable policies and relevant legislation.

We will continue to work with our suppliers and subcontractors to build awareness of the risks of modern slavery. We encourage open and transparent conversations with parties working together to resolve potential issues.

We acknowledge that we cannot improve our response to modern slavery if we do not review the steps we are taking in this area over time.


We will internally and externally consult regarding our approach in the area of modern slavery in order to refine future strategies.

Where we identify areas of potential risk, we will work with our suppliers to ensure they are aware of the risks of modern slavery and Safetysure’s expectations and requirements of engaging in ethical, lawful behaviour.

We will continue to engage in conversation around the risk of modern slavery and encourage our suppliers to report areas of concern. Any concerns will be raised ultimately with the Managing Director and treated in confidence.

Members of the public are welcome too submit any feedback or communications on aspects of Modern Slavery in respect of Safetysure’s operations. You can do so by writing to us at:

8 West Street

Highgate Hill QLD 4101 Australia

or contact our Office on 1300 087 888