Guarding controls missing on press results in $40K fine

A company who failed to ensure guarding controls were being used on a press has been fined $40K after a work experience student at a sheet metal workshop had the tip of his finger amputated. The incident highlights the need for work safety programs to ensure adequate machine guarding. The sheet metal fabrication business and [...]

By |2020-09-18T07:31:44+09:00September 18th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Recycling company fined over multiple work safety incidents

A Melbourne Recycling Company has faced court and been fined $115K for failing to maintain a safe workplace after multiple fall and machine guarding incidents. The incident provides learning for industries reliant on the use of plant and machinery. According to the Victorian Work Safety Safety Regulator, SKM Services Pty Ltd was convicted and fined [...]

By |2020-08-31T02:46:37+09:00August 31st, 2020|News, Safety Advice|0 Comments

Agricultural Safety | Worker caught in machine

The importance of implementing effective agricultural safety programs has been demonstrated through a recent incident. Queensland Workplace Health and Safety have confirmed that in June 2019, a worker suffered traumatic injuries to both arms after being caught in a machine (trapped by a pulling winch). The winch was used on a vegetable growing farm to [...]

By |2019-09-06T23:06:04+09:00September 6th, 2019|Safety Advice|0 Comments